Figure 1: Large heterogeneous mass in the LT testicle
Figure 2: LT testicular mass has extensive vascularity on color doppler images. Also has a cystic area. This was a carcinoid tumor of the LT testicle mixed with teratoma.
Carcinoid tumor of the testis can occur as a primary neoplasm or as metastases. This tumor accounts for less than 1% of all testicular neoplasms, with 1.1%–3.1% of cases associated with carcinoid syndrome. They are most common in individuals ranging in age from 40 to 60 years. 25% of primary testicular carcinoid tumors are mixed with teratoma, these have a better prognosis. Orchiectomy is generally curative. Long-term follow-up is recommended.
Primary Carcinoid Tumor of the Testis Found at the Time of Elective Sterilization. JOHN C. THOMAS AND J. STEPHEN JONES. Journal of Andrology, Vol. 25, No. 3, May/June 2004